A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Article Submisson Service | Submit Your Article Review

Article Submisson Service | Submit Your Article Review

I recently listened to a very interesting interview of Steve Shaw owner of SubmitYourArticle.com. At the end of the interview Steve  offered a free 30 day trial of his unique article submission service so of  course I grabbed it.

We all know that submitting your articles to a number of article directories is a great way to get valuable backlinks and traffic to your site but it can be a very tedious job unless it’s automated.

In fact UK based  Steve set up Submit Your Articles as a result of the time he found it was taking him to submit his own articles. He describes it as “The World’s Leading Article Submission Service”

Now there are hundreds of different article submission services out there both free and paid but this service is unlike any others I have used in the past.  What’s different about it?

#1. Steve says his service begun in 2003 was the first automated article distribution service to exist which has allowed him to build up special relationships with a huge number of publishers that no other service can match.

When you first join the site they ask you to sign up to or provide your existing log in details for some of the major high page rank directories:







#2. Your articles are submitted to hundreds of other article directories and publishers as well where personal log in details are not required. Steve has his own high traffic, high rank article directory and only accepts articles from his members.

#3. It’s a paid service, so it’s less likely to be used by spammers. That means the quality of the articles they submit are higher and the quality article directories will be more likely to accept them.

#4. In fact they have a quality control in place and if your article does not come up to their standards it will be rejected. But they let you know the reason for the rejection such as poor grammar so you have a chance to rectify it.

#5. One of the best features is the “Article Leverage” System which is a sort of  article spinner but does not produce garbage like so many article spinners.

Once you enter your headline, body text and resource box into the article submitter you have the option to enter variations of the headline, various sentences in the article and your resource box from which they create many different versions of it. You can also write variations of the introduction.

This allows them to distribute a unique but high quality version of your article to every directory and every site in their network.

#6. Then there is the “Article Trickle” system where you choose the speed at which you want your article distributed. You can choose to trickle out your articles over a number of days, weeks, or even months.

This allows you you to build up your backlinks in a more natural search engine friendly way.

Any minus points?

One drawback is they they do not allow you to place any links in the body of your article. I don’t see that as a problem myself as I have used Ezine Articles a lot and although they do allow links in the article body they recommend that you use only the resource box for your links and I have nearly always done that.

Article submissions are restricted to 8 articles a month but this is part of their ethos to prevent article spamming so I don’t consider this a drawback.

In any case Steve offers a 60 day money back guarantee so you can use the system and see how you like it If you are not happy with it then you can request your subscription fee back.

Some people consider the $47 a month subscription pricey compared with some services but like anything else you get what you pay for. You are getting the benefit of the huge network of publishers and high rank directory sites as well as the unique article leverage and distribution system.

Steve has an affiliate program so you could get your subscription paid for if you can get others to sign up through your link. Something worth considering.

I am certainly going to use this article submission service for a few months to see what sort of results I get with my article marketing.  You can find out more about Steve’s service here:  Submit Your Article


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Jason Ser
14 years ago

HI Sandy,
Thank you for your interesting post. To be honest I had yet to used article marketing. One reason is because English is not exactly my 1st language though I had work really really hard to improved over the years.

Can you share more about your article marketing effort? Perhaps with some real life example. How about creating a video to let us take a peek into the SubmitYourArticle.com service. That will be great.

Jason Ser

Blake Rogers
14 years ago

i always submit to article directories to gain backlinks, most of them are free anyway `

14 years ago

I am quite interested in this topic hope you will elaborate more on it in future posts.

14 years ago

[…] I have not found anything better than the article spinner that is part of Submit Your Article which I posted a review on here: Submit Your Article Review […]

Candice Michelle
12 years ago

reading this all of this marketing efforts, I will use it as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing such as unique writing. I want more writing from you.

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