A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Easy Click Mate ClickBank Affiliate Management Tool

Easy Click Mate ClickBank Affiliate Management Tool

Making money on the internetEasy Click Mate has proved to be just the solution for managing my Clickbank affiliates that I had been searching for.

I wanted my detox eBook affiliates to be able to send their subscribers to my discount offer page but could not figure out the best way to do it.

Although I can have a number of different pages for the same product listed in my Clickbank account the hoplink that affiliates are provided with only goes to one landing page per account.

To provide them with another hoplink for my eBook offer page meant I would have to create another account.

There are two problems with this:

1. It involves another ClickBank setup fee of $49.95

2. It means that the gravity for the product would start at zero again although I had affiliate sales for the same product in the first account.

That meant that if affiliates were looking for products that affiliates have successfully promoted then I may not get new affiliates wanting to promote it because of the zero gravity.

When I asked on forums how I could let my affiliates promote my ebook discount page the answer I got was with Easy Click Mate.

I had never heard of it before but after some research I decided it was exactly what I needed. Other internet marketers on the Warrior Forum were saying good things about it and could not speak more highly of Adrian Ling whose product it is.

Although the cost of the software was a little more than the ClickBank setup fee it means that I can let my affiliates send their traffic to any of the pages on my site.

For example, they could send their subscribers to an article on my site and then if a purchase was made from a link in the article they would still get the commission.

The software came with a number of instruction pdfs which put me off trying to install it myself straight away.  Although I had set up iDevAffiliate software for my Internet Marketing Gurus DVDs this looked more complicated.

Maybe if there had been some videos that showed you how to do it I could have done it but to save time trying to figure it all out I decided that I would outsource it. Luckily I found someone on ODesk who had already installed one so he got the job.

He installed it and did the integration with my Aweber for me but he had not done any of the personalization inside previously and when I read the instructions I still could not figure out how to do it.

I know from the Warrior Forum that if you are a bit more tech savvy than I am then you will have no problem.

Adrian offers both an installation service and a personalization set up service so after a few questions back and forth to his support desk which he answered personally I decided to go for that. It saved me a lot of time in the end.

I can see why the marketers on the Warrior Forum speak so highly of him. He never failed to answer my numerous questions quickly and politely although I am sure he must have been sighing “Oh, not her again!”

Easy ClickMate links with any autoresponder so you can keep in touch with your affiliates once they sign up.

The system provides me and my affiliates with stats for the their promotions such as clickthroughs and conversion rates.

I’m all set up now and excited to tell my affiliates about how they can get their links to promote my detox eBook offer.

You can find out more details about it here:

Easy Click Mate ClickBank Affiliate Management Tool.


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13 years ago

Hi, Sandy! You wrote another great review. I like that you tell us both the pros and cons of a product, tool or service. Thanks for sharing.

13 years ago

It depends what you are looking for. I’ve used many, but the two others that have paid me consistantly, but are product oriented are eBay (essentially pay per click) and Amazon (pay per sale). I’ve been slowly building up sales through Hubpages with them and have had the occasional click from my blogs.

Sergio Felix
13 years ago

Hey Sandy,

Great review on this software, I think I saw John Thornhill speaking of this product some months ago and I honestly believe 100% in what John does.

It is really cool to see that you’re using this as well, I might jump in as soon as I decide to put my first product for sale in Clickbank.

The only way I can actually charge money is with PayPal so I don’t have a solution for administering affiliates, much less provide them with options for different offers to the same product.

If I decide to buy it, I will come back and get it through your affiliate link of course.

Take care and speak soon Sandy!


Danyelle Franciosa
Danyelle Franciosa
13 years ago

Hello Sandy, I am happy to know about the review of this tool and the pros and cons of the product. Thanks!

candice michelle
12 years ago

Thanks for making life a lot easier. Actually It allows us to manage your affiliates very easily.

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