A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Free Website Traffic Generation: Have I got the Nouse or am I No Use?

Free Website Traffic Generation: Have I got the Nouse or am I No Use?

website traffic generationNouse is a word I have not heard nor used for a long time. It’s an old English word that means know how or skills. I saw it mentioned in a newsletter that I received and it gave me an idea for this title. It’s funny how these things happen. So what has it got to do with free traffic generation?

Well coach Alex set his students a competition to see who could drive the most traffic to his or her blog from 11th May to 7th June.  When I visited the forum recently I saw a post by one of the students about the number of visitors he had to his blog and I was devastated.

Adam has had 600 visitors already and I have only had 234 since I set up my blog on 13th May. Less than half. I wondered when Adam started his blog but when I checked it out, strangely enough, he started his blog on exactly the same day as I did.

I felt very deflated and started to question if I have got the nouse or am I just no use at this website traffic generation.

I am also asking myself if I bitten off more than I can chew trying to keep up my health blog and list as well as trying to get into the internet marketing niche?  I know that others are able to keep a number of different niches going so why can’t I?

I have spent a lot of time trying to get traffic from creating Hubpages, blog commenting, forum commenting, and tweeting. I’ve also entered a giveaway but that’s not looking good at the moment.

When I saw some of the other posts it looked as though Adam had done some pay per click promotion so I immediately felt a bit better. (Alex says he’s never paid for traffic so he doesn’t teach it.) I don’t think I want to know if anyone has more visits than this. It would be just too demoralizing.

But when I stopped to think about it I thought well if they can do it there must be a way that I can too. Looks like I am going to have to get better at it and try to find time to try my hand at some other methods.

What other methods of free website traffic generation am I going to do? There are still a ton of other ways that I just have not had the time to do yet. I have to spend some time each week trying to keep my health blog and list going as well. Here are two tried and tested methods that I am going to do next.


I have outsourced some articles but have been waiting a long time for them. I have used a guy who has written me some articles before for my health niche. It takes me so long to write them myself. I usually tweak them a bit though.

I had very speedy service from him before but this time they are taking a long time. Once I get those I will be able to submit them to article directories.

I know that others have got some good traffic as a result of submitting articles to article directories like EzineArticles and GoArticles.

I got one article from fiverr.com as part of the outsourcing gig I booked to create some ads for my business but it was more like an advert than an article. Not what I had in mind at all and not something that I could submit to an article directory. It just goes to show that you have to really spell out what you want and make sure you are on the same wavelength.

He did ping my blog and submit it to a number of high traffic sites and also sent me some information about a text link service that I could try out free for 21 days. This looks like a good way of getting some back links.


I still have not got myself organized to do a video to submit to YouTube.  I must do that. Videos can drive a lot of traffic if you can get it right.

I tried to make one on Animoto but it did not turn out good at all. For some reason none of my graphics got put in it. I must have another go. It’s the time it takes to figure out all these things.  Alex says he outsources a lot of his technical stuff but I do like to try to work these things out.

Articles to Video

Articles to video is another way to go. I saw someone advertising an article to video service recently. He  created a very short video from one of my health niche articles that gets a lot of views on Ezine Articles and I uploaded it to YouTube.

I am getting quite a few sign ups to my list from that so I will try that with one of my IM niche articles when I get one published.

You can create videos from articles yourself with Instant Video Articles. I hear that people are getting some good results with that. I think I might invest in that and review it. They are offering a 60 day money back guarantee.

Rome was not built in a day

After getting all depressed about the results others are getting with driving traffic to their blogs I had to give my self a bit of a pep talk. I have only just started on my journey. I decided to take some advice from a colleague who does health coaching. She says to focus on what you have achieved rather than what you have not. You can obviously apply this to any area of life.

I tell myself that Rome was not built in a day. Every little thing I do is building my back links and my brand. It takes time but it just seems slow in the beginning when you are keen to get some results. When I look back at what I have done since 13th May it’s not bad really.

It’s back to basics and I am going to make a goal for  the amount of free website traffic I am going to generate in the next 4 weeks. You can get some free training from my coach & mentor Alex Jeffreys if you click the large Easy Cash Webinar Banner on the right hand side of this blog.

Now I am off to  write my to do list for next week. Onwards and upwards.  Look out for my updates on how I am doing with traffic generation.


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Sally Neill
14 years ago

Hey Sandy,

Good post, I think we all found the traffic challenge difficult and time consuming, but now we know it’s not just free traffic we need, but jv partners to send us the traffic I think we can relax a little.

Regarding videos, ask Max for a copy of his ebook, I just read it and it explains video creation really clearly, it’s excellent.

I tried an article to video site, but because I was a free member, it put an advert right in the middle of it! So just be careful of that.

Sally 🙂
.-= Sally Neill´s last blog ..David Walker, Sally’s First Skype Interview… =-.

Nathan Rufus
14 years ago

Hey Sandy,

Your post picks on a good point and I think I heard Bailey mention it before.

When I started my blog I was CONSTANTLY checking other people’s stats. The traffic stats that they were posting on their blog.

Like you, if they were higher than mine I would get deflated.

But I soon realised that there’s no point in doing that.

Everyone’s circumstances are different. People have different time in the day. People use different methods.

There’s just too many things that can change someone elses traffic stats to compare it to your own.

Just as long as you give good value to the people that are coming to your site (…which you definitely are by the way…) then that’s all that matters.

Thanks a lot Sandy for the great post.

Reach new heights,

.-= Nathan Rufus´s last blog ..Blog Traffic Generation And Why Couldn’t Rome Be Built In A Day!?! =-.

Gert Chappell
14 years ago

Hi Sandy.
I’m newish to all this and like you I constantly check my stats.

We had a competition in the Master Class that I’m a member of and my stats were so low I didn’t even send them in. lol

I really must stop checking as often as I do. I suppose it’s a newbie thing to practically live in the Google Analytics dashboard.


candice michelle
12 years ago

To make money on the web with your web site relies upon on the amount of people that visits your internet site.

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