Getting affiliates to promote your product as part of your making money on the internet strategy can be a challenge. Just because you submit it to an affiliate network it does not automatically mean that affiliate will rush to promote it.
Successful internet marketer Nicole Dean spent some time as an affiliate manager and has a few revealing insights about how to make your product attractive for affiliates to promote.
4 Reasons Why I’m Promoting your Competition and Not You
By Nicole Dean
Today, I’m sitting at my computer, about to launch a new site and I’m going through Clickbank, looking for potential affiliate programs to promote.
Not only am I considering personally promoting the products that I find, but I may recommend that customers who purchase my PLR articles at promote them, too.
Time and time again, I’m shaking my head, wondering if these Internet Marketers realize how many potential affiliates they are losing, as I click the red “x” and go to the next product. And, of course, this isn’t only a problem with the products listed at places like Clickbank (and it certainly isn’t a reflection of the quality of Clickbank, itself).
Affiliate Programs everywhere are lacking in their professionalism and respect for their affiliates.
It’s pretty obvious that many people don’t realize what turns off a potential affiliate. Could it be, perhaps, that the people writing and marketing these ebooks have not been successful at Affiliate Marketing themselves?
After much frustration, I’ve decided to run through my list of reasons I did not choose your product to promote, and, instead chose your competition.
1. Your page is gaudy and unappealing.
Now, we all know the saying that ‘Ugly sites sell’. That’s absolutely true. A plain blue or white background with Arial text can make millions. However, a site that looks like a sparkly, flashy mess and gives your visitors a seizure is not cool. Leave the cursors alone. Don’t stick animation on there. And, for goodness sakes, stick with only one or two fonts, please.
2. Typos and spelling errors.
This one is actually kind of frightening. If the product you’re selling is an e-BOOK then please act like you know how to write. Have a friend or even an enemy read and reread your sales letter for you.
If you don’t have any friends or enemies, then pay someone. Just don’t try to sell an e-book on a sales page that looks like a third grader wrote it. It’s not going to sell. At least I’m not going to sell it.
3. You offer sales options that I won’t get affiliate credit for on the sales page.
For instance, you list an electronic and a hard-cover version of your book through Amazon. Tacky! Why should I send you traffic through Clickbank so that you can make a commission on Amazon? Not a chance. Or even worse, you have both a Clickbank button and a Paypal button.
And, my #1 biggest irritant –
4. You’ve got Google ads or actually have the guts to sell advertising on your page. (And, no, I’m not joking here.) I don’t even need to go there. Anyone who’s a successful affiliate knows that this is the sign of death for any affiliate program.
So, there you have it. Four reasons why your competition is getting my business and you are not.
Are you ready to attract affiliates to promote your products? And, would you like to have an affiliate program that doesn’t stink? Nicole Dean is on a mission to help you. Check out her program at – where she’s helping Infoproduct sellers just like you to have more profits and more LIFE.
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