A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Super List Building With Popup Domination

Super List Building With Popup Domination

I have just installed the Popup Domination plugin on this blog. You will probably see it appear soon (hopefully). I hope it does not annoy people and that instead it will help to increase my subscribers.

I used to use an exit popup but I disabled that after I got complaints from readers. When a reader submitted a comment it triggered the exit popup and the person though that their comment had not been submitted although it had.

I was glad then to discover that Marc Milburn recommended using the Popup Domination plugin in his coaching module about Super Power List Building. He goes through five of his favourite ways to build a list fast and this was one of them.  I will be writing about the others soon.

Increased optins

Popup Domination is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create a good looking unblockable popup that is easy for your reader to close down. The sales page claims that it can increase your optins by 429% overnight. Now that is a pretty bold claim but one blogger’s review of it said it increased his optins by 1050%.

In the Warrior forum where I always go to get reviews of products some marketers are saying that the popup trebled their optins. It looks like there were a few problems with it when it was launched but that was over year ago. They have all been fixed now. The current version is. 2.5.

You can also get a stand alone version that you can use on any HTML page. By all accounts it pretty easy to set up.

I must say that I have always found popups on websites very annoying especially when you can’t seem to close them down. I have filled some in just to get rid of them only to find that I can’t read the article I went to without it popping up again and freezing the page.

By all accounts Popup Domination is different and it is used by some of the top internet marketers and bloggers. So what makes this different from the others?

Easily customised

For a start you can choose from 6 different designs with 13 Colour Options so you can easily customise it. You can choose which pages it will display on and when. You add your heading text and a few bullet points. 3 of the designs let you add an image of your free gift and it hooks up easily with the major email services.

Set up

So let’s go through the set up process. It really pays to have everything to hand before you set it up. When you install it you need your order number to activate it. It is a Clickbank product and you will find your order number on the receipt you get from Clickbank after you purchase it.

You will need a the HTML code of your web form, the text you want to use and your image if you choose one of those templates. An image can increase conversions even more so it’s a good idea to use one.


Once you have bought the plugin and downloaded it it is easy to install and activate from within the WordPress dashboard. Once you go to the list of plugins and find it you click on settings you have to enter your Clickbank order number to be able to use it.


Once it is activated you go to the plugins, find the Popup Domination and click on settings. You have to enter your Clickbank order number to be able to use it the first time.

At the top of the page you will see a number of headings for the settings. As you click on each setting and complete them you simply click on update options and then you can click on preview to see what it looks like. it’s very simple to go back and make changes at any time.

Look & Feel

Under look and feel you choose the template, the button colour and the colour of the optin form. As you hover over each colour you can see what it looks like in the window next to the list.

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I was hoping that there would be a colour that matched my theme but their is every colour but.  So I am going to experiment a bit with it.

There is an advanced editor where you can change the HTML and CSS to make a custom popup but I would have to get someone else to do that for me. I think I will just experiment with the existing templates for the moment.

Mailing List HTML

In this setting you paste the raw HTML code for your sign up form into a template. It does not matter too much about the design as you will fill in the text you want for the optin form and name and email fields in the plugin settings.


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It’s best to create a new form so you can keep a check on how many sign ups you get from the popup and the conversion. It always pays to test and tweak things so after a while you can try a different headline or bullet points or even a different colour.

Template fields

In this selection you add your headline, a short introduction, the name and email field wording, the submit button wording and your footer security notice. I have not found a way of getting the short introduction to display as I want it to. This is my only criticism of the plugin. I will contact the help desk to see what they say.

List Points

Here you are limited to 3 bullet or check points. They say that is best for the design and for conversions.


This is where you schedule the timing of when the popup appears and how often. There are 3 choices:

  1. On Website Load
  2. When the visitor’s mouse leaves the browser viewport
  3. When the visitor tries to leave the page.

If you choose “On Website Load “you can choose how many seconds delay you want before the popup displays. I have seen various recommendations for this. This is the schedule that I have seen the most on other blogs. Some bloggers recommend a 20 second delay and others 60 seconds.

The longer delay allows your reader to get a feel of your stuff before they are presented with the option of signing up to your list.  Again it’s a matter of testing.


You can preview the popup at any time to see what it will look like.


If you are a Clickbank affiliate you can earn money if someone buys the plugin through the “Powered By PopUp Domination” link underneath the popup. You can uncheck the box if you don’t want to promote it so the link does not appear. The developers really seem to have thought of everything.

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Last but not least once you have everything configured you simply click a button to active it and it should work as scheduled.

I expect you are now wondering how much this fantastic plugin costs. In fact it cost far less that many other popup plugins on the market and offers a lot more features.  You will be pleasantly surprised when I tell you that the price tag of Pop up Domination is only $47.

To sweeten the deal they are offering Optin Domination plugin for free when you buy.  This allows you to put an very attractive optin form in the side bar of your WordPress blog.  Download Popup Domination Here

So what do you think of my popup form? Does it annoy you? Please leave your comments.


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Joshua Dalton
13 years ago

I like it!! Nice design, good positioning and not intruding in any way. That’s my thoughts anyway.
I definitely like this much better that the ‘exit pop ups’ that can be a pain especially when there are 3 or 4 to click through before you can leave the page, which I think can be very counter productive.
Good one!

Anna Garnier
13 years ago

Hey Sandy, great blogpost. But nothing pops up at my end.
Should I click on something? I also see a ‘not found’ message at the
bottom of your blog.
Thanks, Anna.

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