Am I Writing for Readers or Search Engines?

The question I asked  on Marc’s  Q & A Webinar last week was  “Should I have keywords in my blog post titles? ”

After going through Module 2 videos of the coaching course about setting up a blog I realized that he had not said anything about keyword research or using keywords in blog posts or post titles.

Establish an online presence

All the things I have ever read about blogging say that you should spend some time researching keywords in your niche before setting up a blog and then work them into your blog titles and posts.

Continue reading Am I Writing for Readers or Search Engines?

Free keyword research tools

I have had a few questions about keyword research. Everyone has their own favourite way but this is how I do it using free keyword research tools.

Keyword research is one of the most critical components of any internet marketing campaign. Without proper keyword research, it will be much harder for people to find your website and for you to make money online.

Free keyword research tools

First I do some preliminary research. I use a number of free keyword tools to find a large number of keywords that I could target for my niche.

Continue reading Free keyword research tools