A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Ultimate Facebook Marketing Seminar – Quick Tips

Ultimate Facebook Marketing Seminar – Quick Tips

I spent yesterday in London at the Ultimate Facebook Seminar. Mark Anastasi organised the 4 day event in just 2 months after he got the idea while having a shower.  I was lucky enough to get one of the free tickets that were being offered.

I have been interested in learning more about how to make money with Facebook marketing and thought this was the ideal opportunity but I couldn’t do the 4 days. That would have been information overload!

The event held at the Thistle Marble Arch was packed out. There must have been at least 400 people there all crammed into a small room. It was so hot you couldn’t breathe. Everyone was complaining that the air conditioning did not seem to be working properly.

Not only that, but they weren’t geared up at all to serve people drinks at the break. I was second in the queue at the little coffee bar but had to wait 10 minutes while the only  guy serving made fresh coffee for the couple in front of me.

One good thing was that I ended up sitting next to Paul Teague. He & Chris Freville just had a very successful launch of their Auto Cash Funnel.  I was hoping to pick his brains during the breaks but he disappeared a lot of time to meet with Chris. I am hoping though that some of his expertise will rub off.

To crack off Mark talked about the 21 Millionaire Secrets That Will Change Your Life – Part II. This was scheduled for 30 minutes but took an hour so the event ran late all day.

He talked about setting goals, getting a mentor and following a formula. We hear this over and over again. That is the key to making money online. The people that have become successful at internet marketing have done just that.

He says to be successful you must know exactly what you want and focus on it. Write down your goals and your perfect life. Focus only on what you want. Clarity = Power.

Make money onlineMilli Ponce ( The Twitter Queen) and Paul O’Mahoney ( The Twitter King) were the next speakers taking about social media. Their stories are inspiring. Funnily enough they were originally inspired by Mark Anastasi at one of his pervious seminars.

Power of video marketing

I loved the story they told about Ted Williams from Columbus Ohio, that clearly demonstrates the power of social media. Ted Williams, a guy with a great “golden voice” became homeless due to alcohol and drugs but got rediscovered when a reporter decided to make a video about him.

The video went viral and the rest is history as they say. As a result of the video Ted apparently got flooded with job offers and a house as he got sought out by news shows.

Create Quick Opt-in Pages

They gave a quick demonstration of Opt-in Monkey for creating opt-in pages in seconds. It’s a piece of software that works with a number of different browsers and all you do is enter a few details and click the button to create an opt-in page ready to upload to your website. Find out more about it here:
Opt-In Monkey

Georgina Lanyi, a social media trainer, and John Lee, an hugely energetic speaker and mentor, were next talking about how to make $8,000 a month on auto pilot with Facebook.

Get jobs done with Mechanical Turk

Georgina gave a tip about using the services of www.mturk.com to get Facebook “likes” on your pages.

John talked about putting an ad on Facebook to drive people to a survey that will give you ideas for what people want so you can create a product that is in demand.

Armand Morin had just flown in from the US to give the talk and do somemake money on the internetmagic. Yes, he waved his magic wand and the air-conditioning worked for the whole of the time he talked!

You will have surely heard of Armand. He has taught tens of thousands of people his internet business building principles and strategies that have made him a millionaire. He talked about the way he uses Facebook ads.

Facebook Ads

According to his tests a close up of a persons face works best on a Facebook ad and he said the most important words of the ad should be at the top, right and bottom of the ad.

He spent a lot of time singing his own praises and plugging his courses.
All the speakers were offering their courses at special seminar prices. In typical American style Armand offered a huge number of bonuses for a really knock down price.

I just don’t know how anyone would have time to go through everything he was offering but it certainly looked good, especially the lifetime support.

Well, I’m off now to put some of these tips for making money on the internet with Facebook marketing into practice.


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14 years ago

[…] marketing and thought this was the ideal opportunity. Here are a few of the quick tips I learned. facebook marketing – Google Blog Search This entry was posted in Facebook Marketing and tagged Facebook, Halliday, Marketing, Quick, […]

14 years ago

Don’t get me wrong I love the fact that Ted Williams is using his Gift. I think the better story is that we all have Gifts from God and when we utilize them they will make room for us just like the Guy with the Golden Voice.

Learn Your Gift Today: http://www.MilestoneMotivation.com/gifts

14 years ago

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Scott Hudspeth, Anthony B Palmer. Anthony B Palmer said: Ultimate Facebook Marketing Seminar – Quick Tips | Sandy Halliday http://bit.ly/fB6bn9 […]

Mandy Allen
14 years ago

Hi Sandy, sounds like a great seminar. I know how very powerful these events can be and coming way feeling fired up and ready for any challenge is one of the best outcomes you can have. I’m sure you are going to put into practice all the stuff you learned there!

Enjoy the journey.


Hope VS
14 years ago

Sounds like this was a great opportunity- even though the day had its’ ups and downs:)

Wordpress web hosting
13 years ago

Sounds like a great even to participate sandy, hope you will update us with the things discussed there.

Candice Michelle
12 years ago

Sounds great! This seminar is really big help for us because we have many information to learn from this seminar!

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