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Delicious Social Bookmarking For Publicity

Delicious Social Bookmarking For Publicity

Delicious is a popular social bookmarking website service for saving, organizing, sharing and finding web content. It is an excellent way of getting more traffic to your blog or website to help you make money online.

Today I am posting an article about using delicious for publicity by my colleague Alison Rothwell, an internet marketer and SEO expert.

Using Delicious for Publicity

Using a social sharing website such as Delicious will let you get involved in showing content to the world. There are two main ways you can use  Delicious for promotion that will complement each other nicely and allow you to involve your customers and website visitors in the process.

Delicious claims to bring the best tastes of the internet to readers – it’s not about food. It’s all about who is bookmarking and what they are reading and by using this site you can easily get a bit of added publicity. You may find that initially you will need to bring in friends or other staff to encourage your listing upwards.

Delicious lets consumers bookmark pages in one place rather than within their browser and is becoming more popular especially for users of shared computers. Users can then share their bookmarks with other people allowing almost inconceivable sharing beyond the regular link swapping options.

Visitors to Delicious can then search by tags or look at the most popular and recent information coming through the website. When you sign up, you simply add your own site to your page. Visitors to the site can search for users and view their list of bookmarks so it can encourage a long-term sharing process between people.

Another advantage to Delicious is that you can add the ability for people to use the service directly to your website. By having a Delicious bookmark icon available you can not only allow a single-click access to their method of bookmarking but it’ll also associate your name with the website and people may consider searching for more bookmarks including your content or about your business.

If you can get someone to regularly bookmark you page through Delicious you’ll be able to have a regular listing in the newest bookmark section – find the most optimal time to do this each day and set it up.

Alison Rothwell, online marketing expert, is founder of the SEO Training Club and AlisonRothwell.com, the proven step-by-step solution to your internet marketing problems. To receive her weekly online marketing ezine to help get higher search engine rankings to increase your online sales, visit www.AlisonRothwell.com.


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