Now this is one of those ideas that makes you say why didn’t I think of that. Like all good ideas it seems so obvious after someone has come up with it. After all the oil rig hopping that I was doing for generating blog traffic for Alex’s blog traffic competition a couple of months ago this should be a breeze.
What is the 100 Blog Challenge?
The challenge is to get 100 individual comments on a blog post. The idea was born out of a throwaway comment Jacinta Dean made on an internet training forum.
Jacinta is looking for 100 people to participate. Everyone that joins the challenge has to comment on every other blog that’s been entered. If 100 join then each blogger should get 100 individual comments on a blog post of their choice.
So what’s so great about that?
Well, the idea is to improve your blog’s traffic ranking and generate backlinks. Google takes notice when blogs are getting a lot of comments. If you are using your blog for making money on the internet then it’s an ideal way for generating blog traffic.
To participate in the challenge you have to use some specific WordPress plugins that help achieve this.
Required Plug-ins
When this plugin is installed on a blog it will leave a link back to your latest post at the bottom of any comment you leave on that blog. It’s a great way of generating blog traffic. Your blog post title might just catch someones eye and hey presto you have another visitor.
This plugin allows you to use an anchor keyword after your name when you fill in the name field on the comment form. The keyword phrase links back to your site rather than your name. This is great if you are targeting keywords for your website. For example Sandy@Internet Online.
This plug over rides the nofollow attribute that WordPress automatically adds to the comments. It was origianlly designed to stop comment spam (which it didn’t) and some, but not all, SEO experts thought that this could stop the blog leaking “link juice” from the outbound links from other bloggers comments.
Basically this tells the search engines NOT to follow the link to any other web sites.
But the tide is changing and many bloggers are installing the DoFollow plugin to encourage people to lelave comments. The more comments the better. As I already said Google likes a blog that looks busy. Traffic generates traffic.
It also helps to generate more interaction on your blog. After all that’s what Web 2.0 is all about. Once you add this plugin you can add your blog to the DoFollow Blog List and generate some more traffic.
Or any other social bookmark plug in that you are already using is fine.
This plugin lets you share, bookmark, and email your posts and pages to well over 100 social book marking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Delicious.
The idea is that you also book mark the blog post that has been entered into the challenge when you leave your comment. So are you up for generating blog traffic with the 100 blog comments challenge? Its on now so sign up by leaving your comment on Jacinta’s Blog here:
Related posts:
Hi Sandy very nice informative blog you have. The 100 comment challenge is a great idea. I hope it helps everyone who joins in.
Thanks for the plug-in information. It’s good to get different explanations on what they are in order to understand them better. Thanks, Terry Conti
Hi Sandy…
Glad to see you’ve joined the challenge. I am going to update my page on those who have joined…I will be adding yours.
Very nice post you have placed about this challenge 😉
Good luck to you Sandy…
Nice blog 😉
Hi, Sandy. I already use these plug-ins or equivalent.My blog is do-follow and readers who comment can use a name with or without a keyword and once their comment is submitted and approved,clicking their name brings a reader to their web site or blog.It also opens in a new browser tab.
Such contests as you are writing about can bring many back links and even more readers.
But it is a 2-way or 100-way street.Those back links and search engine love only happens if the comments are of value and preferably related to the recipient blog’s article topic or blog keywords.Search engines love new information and thought and reward both the writer and the blog owner for providing new content.
So get busy and comment on all the participating blogs.
Hi Bill, It’s certainly keeping me am busy. It takes time to read enough of the the post that’s been entered into the challenge to make an useful and related comment.
Let’s see how ‘KeywordLuv” handles my name field entry.Will it lead to 1 site or both ? Then again, my sites have thousands of keywords.
Hi Sandy,
Glad to see you on board, it has been a super fun experience, meeting lots of like minded people in the process.
Just goes to show having fun online can benefit your online business too!
Speak soon, Sally 🙂
Hi Sandy,
You are in good hands with Alex Jeffery’s coaching. I am in coaching with one of his pals and the missing links are beginning to fall into place.
best wishes for your continued online success,
Thanks for visiting Dawn. It certainly helps to have a good mentor and coach. You pick up all sorts of valuable tips.
We will have to compare notes.
[…] What a relief, I have just finished the 100 blog comment challenge. If you want to know what it was all about I wrote about it in a previous post: Generating Traffic with the 100 Blog Challenge. […]
[…] If you want to know more about the KeywordLuv and the CommentLuv plugins you can read about them here: Generating Blog Traffic with the 100 Blog Challenge […]