A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Get More Traffic To Your Blog With SEO Super Comments Plugin

Get More Traffic To Your Blog With SEO Super Comments Plugin

If you want to get more traffic to your blog you might want to take a look at SEO Super Comments plugin for WordPress. I have just installed it on this blog after seeing it listed on a blog post that Adrienne Smith wrote.

I must admit, although I studied quite a few reports for the best plugins to install when I first set this blog up and try to keep up to date with the latest plugins I had never come across this one before.

SEO Super Comments is a free plugin that can help you get more search engine traffic to your blog so I thought it was worth giving it a try.

How does it work?

I can’t pretend to understand all the technical stuff but it depends on getting comments on your blog. ( more about this below).

When a reader leaves a comment the plugin creates a new dynamic page on your blog that holds that comment information. This gives a big boost to your blog’s SEO.

It apparently has the effect of increasing the visibility of your blog in the search engines. When these dynamic pages are created you comments are able to be crawled and indexed by the search engines so you could end up getting more traffic to your blog for the context of the comment.

You can read much more about it here: SEO Super Comments Plugin

Getting Comments

For SEO Super Comments to be effective you obviously have to be getting comments. You need traffic before you can get any comments so how do you get traffic and comments in the first place?

One of the best ways is to go blog hopping and comment on other blogs  Search for popular blogs in your niche that get a lot of comments and leave a helpful comment that adds something of value to the post.

Have you taken note of that phrase ” adds something of value”? I have already given my warnings about the  sort of lame comments that some people leave that I and a lot of other blogggers refuse to publish.

Comments like ” thanks for the great post,  keep up the great work”  won’t make the grade. It does not  not add anything of value to the post nor is it interesting.

You are wasting out time if you leave a comment like that on this blog and many other blogs that are moderated. I simply don’t publish comments like that.

It also pays if you can be the first or among the first few to comment so other visitors to the blog may see your comment and be interested enough to click on your name and pay a visit your blog.

Often when you leave a good and useful comment the blog owner will visit your blog and leave a comment. It’s a sort of recipricol thing.

CommentLuv Premum Plugin

One of the best ways I’ve found of getting these recipricol comments is through the use of the CommentLuv Premium plugin. ( I thought I had written a post about this plugin but it seems I haven’t. I will have to rectify this and write one soon!)

Commentluv plugin users are a sort of community who tend to seek out the other users. If I search out other blogs that use it and leave a good comment the blogger will often come to my blog and leave a comment. It seems to me that using the SEO Super Comments Plugin will help to give the effort a big boost

Have you heard of this plugin? If you are using it let me know if you have noticed an increase in your blog traffic in the comments.


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13 years ago

Well one good turn deserves another. I am now testing this plugin on my site. I was wondering how it work with Commentluv, but it seems to work well for you, so I have installed it to check it out! 😉 I may have to revise my list of plugins that i recommended in my article. That’s the way it goes when you find a good addition, right?

Jamella Biegel
13 years ago

Hi Sandy,

I had to laugh while reading your post. Those “great post” comments drive me crazy! Like you, I do not publish them. It’s obvious those people are leaving those weak comments in order to drop their links. They might as well stop because their comments are not getting published.

Adrienne Smith has a great blog, doesn’t she? I’ve learned so much from her. I have not heard of the SEO Super Comments plugin. Sounds like something I need to install on my blog. Thanks for the tip!

13 years ago

Sandy, that is a great idea. I know you didn’t make the plugin, but thanks for sharing it.
I wonder if the search engines might penalize a site for two many of those dynamic comment pages?

Cat Alexandra
13 years ago

Hi Sandy,

Great article here about comment enhancements for blogs. I’m a huge fan of CommentLuv Premium, personally. I’ve found that since I have started using it, more people are willing to engage me with better quality comments than before. I also really love the additional products built into CommentLuv. It’s nice to have spambot protection, plus the social enticements.

Nice job on this review and very nice blog you have!

Best regards,
Cat Alexandra

13 years ago

Hi Sandy,

I installed this when I saw Adrienne’s post, as well. I am not sure if it is working or not. I have received a few new commentators but I think they were just cause they saw me on other people’s blogs.

It’s like a big circus when you blog hop, people read your com luv link and then pop on over, you back to theirs and before you know it, all your usually friends are over there and it’s like one big happy family..lol.

I am curious though to see how it works a couple months from now.


13 years ago

have not heard of this plugin earlier will try to check its working with commentluv plugin and see the response.

13 years ago

I use within one of my blogs the CommentLuv pligin, I highly like it due to the fact that it gets bloggers to actually comment worthy things, and yes, get something in return for doing it. (back-link).

13 years ago

Hey Sandy! Similar to CommentLuv is KeywordLuv. Have you heard of this plugin?

Sergio Felix
13 years ago

Hey Sandy,

Well I have heard about SEO Super Comments before but I have never tried it.

I think I may give it a go since 35K downloads can’t be all wrong, that’s a pretty big number right there.

Going to check it out and then give you my feedback on it.

About CommentLuv+, I already have that and I can’t recommend that enough.

For anyone that has a blog or website and is serious about social media, building business partnerships and enticing readers to comment.

It is by far THE best plugin I have ever seen for this matter and you’re right Sandy, you should make a review about it! (Actually I think I should too! lol)

Take care and have a great weekend! 😉


Danyelle Franciosa
Danyelle Franciosa
13 years ago

Hello Sandy, I am happy to know about this. I will probably have some try and have it on site. Anyway, this is really great thanks!

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