A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

How To Use Your Personality To Make Money On The Web

How To Use Your Personality To Make Money On The Web

When you look at the mega successful people in internet marketing they seem to have one thing in common. They stand out in a crowded marketplace. In simple terms they used their personality to make money on the web. Some call it personality marketing or branding.  Others call it buzz marketing.

Make money on the web with personality marketing

The truth is people like to do business with people they like. You’ll stand out a lot more by being helpful, likable and unique.

Online this seems to be truer than in some other medias.  When you’re dealing with websites and digital media it’s so important to display personality in your marketing.

There are thousands of websites on the internet with many selling the same things. To make money on the web you need to stand out by putting a little personality into your marketing or creating a buzz.

How can you do that?

Here are 3 tips to get you started:

#1 – Don’t be Bland.

Vanilla is never the flavour of the month.  Let’s face it there are more exciting flavours around. When it comes to making money on the internet you don’t want to be bland.  Avoid being just like everyone else.

It’s tempting to copy others. In fact I have been told to watch what others do and copy them. That’s true up to a point but you have to put your own spin on it.

Certainly don’t copy other boring or bland websites. Instead think about your business and your vision. Let your website show people what you and only you are all about – never mind what everyone else is doing.

Spice up your marketing by adding your unique style of writing, design and personality to everything you do.

#2 –Become a Super Size

A lot of people have predefined ideas of how they should be.  A lot of it stems from the way we have been brought up.

But when it comes to your business it’s important to let the real you shine through. Think about what personality trait got you into trouble when you were at school. That is probably the exact trait you need to let shine through.

Everything in your business should reflect who you are and what you stand for. If you write in a passionate clear voice that reflects your ethos you can’t fail but to inject your personality into your marketing.

#3 – Create your Identity

When you register on a forum or social media site you are creating an online personality in your profile.

It might be tempting to only fill in the bare essentials but it’s really worth taking the time to fill in all those profile questions.

It’s essential to plan out before you start joining these sites exactly what is your overall personality? Are you traditional or trendy? Are you geeky or creative? What is your business about?

Every time you post comments on blogs or forums you are leaving a bit of your personality and expertise behind. Have you ever checked out someone’s profile on a forum only to find it’s a compete blank? It’s a lost opportunity if you haven’t completed yours.

If you want to make money on the web try personality marketing.  It means putting “you” into your business. What do you do to put “you” into your business?


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Daniel M. Wood
14 years ago

Great article, but I feel you limit yourself by saying this goes for internet marketing.
This rule goes for all marketing, in every industry and for any product.

You need to create a “brand identity”. A promise to the customer of what you are going to deliver.

Just look at cars and all of their problems and then look back at internet marketers. In many ways it is the same, you can promise a great driving experience or teachings from a interesting individual and so on.

The 3 tips you highlight are the core of any successful business.

Thanks a lot for the article as it is truly important for everyone to know about them.

Darren L Carter
14 years ago

Hi Sandy,

Really good advice on how to create a presence online using your personality. I think everybody would be smart to listen to your advice.

Thanks for sharing this with everybody!

Darren L Carter

14 years ago

Hi Sandy, This is indeed a topic which has been ignored by many experts & professionals. You have done a great job by bringing this topic into light. I hope quality discussions follow this post. Great job.

Pierre Trudel
14 years ago

Hi Sandy,
Just read your post. You are so right, personality is what separates us all. We are all unique and all have a story.
Pierrette & I are here from the 100 comment challenge at http://theequest.com/?p=3018.Please come and see us?
We are in the Perfect Health field.
You mentioned your interest? Are you still into Health?
Thanks for being the real you.
I love your attitude,

Bill Murney
14 years ago

Hi Sandy,

Excellent post on a subject rarely mentioned.

Sales professionals say that people buy off people they like. If this is true in personal dealings, then it is essential in the online environment.

Making your site stand out from the crowd is one way to get ahead of the competition, being different is another. It’s not hard to make the difference but the results can make it all worthwhile.



Jacinta Dean
14 years ago

Hi Sandy,

Great tips and hints! I try my best to inject my self on my blog as well as when I communicate with people. I luv using the smilies as a way of showing personality and mood! 😛

Regarding what I used to get in trouble for at school. That would be cracking jokes! saying silly comments (hence I often refer myself as bimbo! :lol:) and being a smart little bugger when I wanted to be! I did have a brain I was just lazy at using it!

I hope you have been finding the challenge fun. I have finally been able to start blog hopping to check up on everyone. Got to visit another 60 blogs in the next 3 days! oops on that one!.

A few people have mentioned they have had trouble leaving comments on your blog. Are you checking your spam folder?

Hope all is going well.


Jacinta 😀

Brian Alcock
14 years ago

Hi Sandy,

Just be yourself is great advice to anyone working online. It is very important that your personality comes through.

I like the vanilla analogy Sandy, there is nothing worse than a bland website to drive your visitors away.

Good luck with the challenge Sandy, I look forward to visiting your blog again soon.



14 years ago

A fantastic article Sandy and great advice! You’ve picked an excellent topic and one that always draws my attention. If someone does something different or unique then I take a little more notice. I especially like it when someone has created a profile that is clear and concise. That’s often a difficult task for folks starting out who haven’t defined their market or their mission in that market. Most know what a brand is but not how to go about creating one. Your article is a great place to start. Good luck in the challenge ahead and be well, Steve D

14 years ago

That was a great post. Good advice!

Though one of my main personality traits is shyness. How do you make that shine? How do I overcome that and give more details in my profiles?

Tom Harvey
14 years ago

Great post highlighting the importance of differentiating yourself in the marketplace. By doing so you create your own USP – your brand or personality – which builds trust and loyalty from your followers and subscribers. All very important in a crowded, often faceless, marketplace. Some useful tips here, keep up the good work.

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