A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

How To Use Your Personality To Make Money On The Web

How To Use Your Personality To Make Money On The Web

When you look at the mega successful people in internet marketing they seem to have one thing in common. They stand out in a crowded marketplace. In simple terms they used their personality to make money on the web. Some call it personality marketing or branding.  Others call it buzz marketing.

Make money on the web with personality marketing

The truth is people like to do business with people they like. You’ll stand out a lot more by being helpful, likable and unique.

Online this seems to be truer than in some other medias.  When you’re dealing with websites and digital media it’s so important to display personality in your marketing.

There are thousands of websites on the internet with many selling the same things. To make money on the web you need to stand out by putting a little personality into your marketing or creating a buzz.

How can you do that?

Here are 3 tips to get you started:

#1 – Don’t be Bland.

Vanilla is never the flavour of the month.  Let’s face it there are more exciting flavours around. When it comes to making money on the internet you don’t want to be bland.  Avoid being just like everyone else.

It’s tempting to copy others. In fact I have been told to watch what others do and copy them. That’s true up to a point but you have to put your own spin on it.

Certainly don’t copy other boring or bland websites. Instead think about your business and your vision. Let your website show people what you and only you are all about – never mind what everyone else is doing.

Spice up your marketing by adding your unique style of writing, design and personality to everything you do.

#2 –Become a Super Size

A lot of people have predefined ideas of how they should be.  A lot of it stems from the way we have been brought up.

But when it comes to your business it’s important to let the real you shine through. Think about what personality trait got you into trouble when you were at school. That is probably the exact trait you need to let shine through.

Everything in your business should reflect who you are and what you stand for. If you write in a passionate clear voice that reflects your ethos you can’t fail but to inject your personality into your marketing.

#3 – Create your Identity

When you register on a forum or social media site you are creating an online personality in your profile.

It might be tempting to only fill in the bare essentials but it’s really worth taking the time to fill in all those profile questions.

It’s essential to plan out before you start joining these sites exactly what is your overall personality? Are you traditional or trendy? Are you geeky or creative? What is your business about?

Every time you post comments on blogs or forums you are leaving a bit of your personality and expertise behind. Have you ever checked out someone’s profile on a forum only to find it’s a compete blank? It’s a lost opportunity if you haven’t completed yours.

If you want to make money on the web try personality marketing.  It means putting “you” into your business. What do you do to put “you” into your business?


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Lorina Noble
14 years ago

Hi Sandy,
Wonderful post! I totally agree with you. You must have personality to maximize your profits on the internet. People are naturally skeptical. They are even more skeptical on the internet. If they grow to like you, it makes conducting business with you that much easier! Thanks for sharing!

Much Success,

Lorina Noble
Miss Mindset Makeover
Millionaire Mindset

Michael Pedzotti
14 years ago

Sandy, point # 3 really hits home for me. Making a name for yourself is really important. There are so many distractions online competing for the attention of our visitors. When they see us participating in forums, blogs and other online venues it’s important to make an impression that is consistent with the image we hope to develop. Michael.

Mike Calmot
14 years ago

Hi Sandy
Yup, personality shining thru in the post is a big hit with me. I must learn how to do it sometime 🙂
Good luck with the challenge
Best wishes

John Edler
John Edler
14 years ago

Hi Sally,

Great post and great insights.

I guess we all have to find out how to be ourselves on line.

As soon as we try to be something that we’re not (like sitting behind someone else’s copy) we come across as fake, whether we like it or not.

I remember someone advising me once to copy and then make it your own. Immitation is a good way to learn, but not creative until you understand well enough to put your own stamp on something.

Thank you

Author of ‘Sticky Memory’

14 years ago

Hi Sandy
very sound advice, not sure about the school thing I think I got into trouble for everthing I did :). It is so important to have individuallity I think in all business but as you say perhaps even more so online, as the initial meeting is far more distant, in gerneral even with video.But it has to be natural and not forced, perhaps that comes with confidence, which comes with experience
We all learn by copying and then adapting and then creating
I can see your point regarding profiles.

Jess Webb
14 years ago

Hi Sandy!

This is a great reminder of how important it is to be YOURSELF online (or MYSELF). 😉 It’s so easy to just copy someone else, or to water down who I really am to try and appeal to everyone. But the truth is, people are attracted to other people who are real, quirky, and personal! So why not let it all hang out and really be myself?

Thanks for the reminder on this! 🙂

14 years ago

Hi Sandy,

You make very good points but the bland flavour is something else for different people.

I do like vanilla and after trying all kinds of different revolutionary tasting ice creams I tend to go back to it and chocolate much more than to the chic flavours.

Going back to what got me into trouble at school might actually work well. I made people laugh and the teacher didn’t like that one bit.

Filling out all the info in the forums is something I rarely do. I’ll consider changing that after reading your post.


Mike Fleming
14 years ago

Hi Sandy,
I’ve been hopping my heart out trying to get to all these blogs to honor my commitment to this challenge. I still have a lot of ground to cover so I can leave a comment.
Have a good one.
Enjoy the Challenge.

14 years ago

Hi Sandy,

Great post. I agree with the other comment’s, you have to have your personality show through on your posts. If there is no personality showing through people will just suspect that your posts are just ‘articles’ that you have uploaded because you couldn’t be bothered to put any effort into your blog. Make your blog/website as unique as yourself, let your life shine through your blog.

I look forward to visiting our site again soon.

Take care.


Thu Nguyen
14 years ago

Hi Sandy,

Great post! I find that the most important element out of all three is your voice. It’s tree, you can sound just like everyone else online but as you said, it’s your ‘personality’ which shines through. When readers hear your voice and they can hear you, you’ve sold to them a thought, idea or dream. This is the beauty of marketing yourself online. I find it the best place to also leverage your knowledge as there are so much wisdom as well.

Thanks for sharing these thoughts of yours on personality. I love posts like these.

See you on the 100th comment!

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