A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

I’ve Just Taken The Seven Link Challenge!

I’ve Just Taken The Seven Link Challenge!

making money onlineI have seen the Seven Link Challenge mentioned on blogs but I didn’t stay long enough to read what it was all about. Somehow I thought it was similar to the 100 blog challenge which I did last year and I couldn’t face doing that again right now.

But after reading more about it on Sergio Felix’s blog and leaving a comment he nominated me to join in the Challenge. See what happens when I open my big mouth!

So, I expect you are wondering what it is all about.

I have to select 7 of my posts that fit into 7 different categories and then invite at least 5 other bloggers to join the Seven Link Challenge.

Other bloggers who have taken the challenge are all saying that it all started on the Tripbase blog,  a travel blog ,  but when I did a search I found that Darren Rouse of ProBlogger had done something similar in July 2010.

The categories for this challenge are slightly different from the original ones but it seems likely that that is where the idea for the current challenge came from.

The Goal

The goal is, to quote the Tripbase blog,

“To unite bloggers (from all sectors) in a joint endeavor to share lessons learned and create a bank of long but not forgotten blog posts that deserve to see the light of day again”.

It is a good way to dust off some of your older posts that are hidden in your archives and show them to new readers.

The 7 categories

This is where the seven links come in:

You have to write a post with links to:

1. Your most beautiful post
2. Your most popular post
3. Your most controversial post
4. Your most helpful post
5. A post whose success surprised you
6. A post you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved
7. The post that you are most proud of

I am not sure if I have posts that fit the bill but I guess I will have to have a go. After all what have I got to lose? It’s a bit of fun and may help my blog to go viral at the same time.

1. My Most Beautiful Post

This is a difficult one because I am not sure what it really means. Does it mean beautifully written or about a beautiful topic or does it look beautiful on the page with images?

I have never thought of a post as being beautiful but I have finally decided on My Blog Is Having A Makeover for this category.

Giving my blog a makeover has been a turning point for me. Starting this blog in the making money on the internet was a big change for me after blogging for so long in the health niche but with the makeover I feel I am getting somewhere with it.

I wasn’t really sure what I was doing in the beginning and was floundering about a bit. But now with the makeover I feel that I have an identity and have finally found my feet.

2. My Most Popular Post

I will have to cheat a bit here but my most popular post was one of my very early posts. How To Use Your Personality To Make Money On The Web.

The reason it was popular was because I entered it for the 100 blog Challenge so that’s why I say I am cheating here.

3. My Most Controversial Post

This has to be I Am On Page1 Of Google For My Keyword How To Make Money On The Internet.

Maybe this should be my most embarrassing post! Just as I thought I had cracked it David Walker pulled the rug from under my feet!

4. My Most Helpful Post

There are several posts that I think are most helpful but I guess I will have to go with Get Your Avatar If You Want To Get Noticed.  There are quite a few new marketers out there who don’t know the importance of having an avatar nor where to get one.

5. A Post Whose Success Surprised Me

I haven’t got to the stage where I get a huge amount of traffic or a flood of comments on my blog yet. But,  one of my early posts  Free Keyword Research Tools got some comments that showed that some marketers did not know about some of these tools which was surprising.

6. The Post I Feel Didn’t Get The Attention It Deserved

I thought that 7 Tips To Writing Blog Posts That Your  Readers Will Love should have got more attention.

I wrote this post from the observations I made on the 100 Blog Challenge. I think that there are some good tips in this post.

7. The Post That I Am Most Proud Of

I felt a great sense of achievement when I posted Internet Marketing Guru Secrets DVDs Launched At last.

This was a project that took a long time to complete as I got sidetracked along the way several times. Although I have heard that a lot of marketers start these sort of projects and never get them finished I finally got there so I am proud that I was able to announce it to the world.


Now I have to nominate 5 other bloggers to take the challenge. So many people that I have thought of have already been nominated so I have had to do a lot of digging.

One thing I did was to check out the blogs of people who have left comments on my blog. I was surprised by the number that no longer existed or have obviously given up blogging.

Here are the bloggers that I nominate:

Julie “Jules” Watson

Joy Healey

Michael Pedzotti

James Francis

Thu Nguyen

The nominations are not limited to 5 so if you want to take part in the challenge just let me know on the contact form and I will certainly nominate you.

The instructions for this 7 Link Challenge was not to spend too much time thinking about it but I have to admit it has taken me longer to put it together than I anticipated.

It remains to be seen if it will result in increasing my traffic. I will keep you updated.


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Joy Healey
Joy Healey
13 years ago

Hi Sandy

OK – thanks for thinking of me! Well, like you, I’m not sure about finding posts in all the categories, or other participants, but let’s have a go!

I’m just wondering….. should I restrict my nominations to people in the Internet Marketing “niche”, or can my nominees be from completely different market places?


Julie Jules Watson
13 years ago

Dear Sandy:

Thank you for the nomination.
The timing is just perfect –
I’ve been away from IM for a while and
this challenge will, er, be challenging.
I haven’t been blogging for some time.
No matter.
Stay in touch.

Julie Jules

13 years ago

[…] my first goal of 2012 I’ve accepted Sandy Halliday’s nomination for the 7 link […]

Sergio Felix
13 years ago

Hey Sandy,

Really cool that you decided to participate on the Seven Link Challenge and did such a wonderful job!

Some of your nominees already published their 7 Link Challenge, how cool is that?

I’m checking out the posts I may have missed, already found a very cool one on keywords so this was definitely worth it!

All the best and speak soon Sandy! 😉


13 years ago

Hi Sandy,

I have seen this challenge in more than 5 blogs already and I think this is cool 🙂

13 years ago

Hi Sandy

Hmmm! Not sure why it’s doing that. Anyway, thanks.


13 years ago

[…] Sandy Halliday (published!) […]

Michael Pedzotti
13 years ago

Hi Sandy, sorry about missing your original invitation. I’ve been moving house and going through a few other disruptions to internet access, etc. Big story, another time. In any case, thanks for nominating me. Is this “challenge” still open for participation? If so, I’ll write up the post and link back to you as the instigator 🙂

Cheers, Michael.

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