5 Content Marketing Strategies for Bloggers To Boost Traffic

Make money onlineContent marketing is hot! Content marketing is the new SEO. Content marketing has killed SEO. Content marketing is the buzzword for 2013.

These are some of the headlines I saw as I was blog hopping my way round the internet on my blog commenting exercise to drive traffic to my blog for both the Quick Start Challenge and  Turn $100 into $2,000 in 60 Days Challenge

What the heck is content marketing?

I found some really long and complicated explanations about it but the simplest one I found that sums it up nicely was this:

“Content Marketing is the creation and sharing of content for the purpose of promoting a product or service.”

In other words, it is content that you put on your website and promote. It can be text, video, infographics, images, whatever you put on your site.

The word is out that Google is favoring content marketing.

Continue reading 5 Content Marketing Strategies for Bloggers To Boost Traffic

I’ve Just Taken The Seven Link Challenge!

making money onlineI have seen the Seven Link Challenge mentioned on blogs but I didn’t stay long enough to read what it was all about. Somehow I thought it was similar to the 100 blog challenge which I did last year and I couldn’t face doing that again right now.

But after reading more about it on Sergio Felix’s blog and leaving a comment he nominated me to join in the Challenge. See what happens when I open my big mouth!

So, I expect you are wondering what it is all about.

Continue reading I’ve Just Taken The Seven Link Challenge!

Can I stand the pace?

Well, this is my second blog post this week! My coach Marc Milburn’s say’s to post two or three times a week. There is no way I can manage 3 times a week so twice it will have to be.

When I first started this blog I only ever posted once a week. I simply did not have enough time to keep my Detox blog and my Natural Remedies Blog going and post on this blog more than once a week.

I did sometimes post twice a week but I used other people’s newsletters or articles that they let me have provided I included a link to their site.

I got to wondering how much the frequency of blog posting matters so did a bit of research on it. It seems that there is no easy answer.

Continue reading Can I stand the pace?