A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Targeted Website Traffic – Traffic Supremacy, The New Kid On The Block

Targeted Website Traffic – Traffic Supremacy, The New Kid On The Block

Getting enough free targeted website traffic has been the bain of my internet marketing life. When I first got online I dabbled a bit with Google Adwords and Yahoo search marketing but never really had any success with it. I got put off by the stories of people running up huge credit card bills with them. So all my attempts at traffic generation  has been using free methods.

I have tried email blasters, traffic exchanges, list builders, free ads, articles, press releases, forum posting, blog commenting, social book marking, and more recently Twitter and videos. Maybe I am not doing enough of it consistently enough but I have never seen the boost in traffic that I was expecting.

So, I was very excited to hear about Traffic Supremacy, the new kid on the block. It’s a revolutionary targeted website traffic and viral advertising generator and is the brainchild of Ashley Gough and Colm Wynne, two expert list builders and email marketers.

Their testing has shown click-through rates of up to 19.5% and 29.17% conversion rates. And it eliminates nearly ALL of the issues you have with other traffic tools and methods.

Wow! This sounded great so I thought I’d better check it out. I headed over to the site and joined right away. You get the option to upgrade of course but you can opt to stay a free member.

The instructions are very clear and there is a video demo of all the facilities. The beauty of it is that you don’t need to change anything you already do. It doesn’t matter if you are promoting an affiliate site or your own, you just transform your links into Traffic Supremacy links using the special link generator and hey presto you’re earning free traffic and advertising.

You create ads for anything you want to promote using the Traffic Supremacy Ad Generator, which is simple to use.  As you earn ad credits from using your Traffic Supremacy links, your ads display across the network and drive traffic to your site!  And you don’t have to get slammed with ads yourself.

If you refer others to the system you earn advertising and traffic on all of their link clicks as well. As a free member you can email 300 Random Members every 3 days and send solo emails to your downline every week.

All in all it looks very promising. Traffic Supremacy launches on 19th July so I will have to wait till then before I can start to use it to see if I can improve on my targeted website traffic generation. If you want to increase your traffic I highly recommend that you take a look for yourself. You have nothing to lose and it is open to join right now. Click Here to Get Traffic Supremacy

Click here to get Traffic Supremacy


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14 years ago

Hey Sandy

Great post i have done most of the methods you mention in your post to get traffic i might check your link out you seem to be doing great keep up the good work


Simon Croft
14 years ago

Hey Sandy,

I think traffic is the bain of most peoples life.

Hopefully with what we are learning that will be the thing of the past. It seems that you have tried nearly everything, no wonder you are frustrated.

You will have to keep in touch how you do with Traffic

Good luck


14 years ago

[…] just about to launch. It's free to join so it's worth a try. I wrote a blog post about it here: Targeted Website Traffic – Traffic Supremacy, The New Kid On The Block | Sandy Halliday Sandy __________________ Suffering from lack of Traffic? Try the revolutionary To view links […]

Julie Watson
14 years ago

Hi Sandy,

I received an e-mail the other day about this member site. Usually before signing up, I do a little research.

I want to thank you for an unbiased and original review. I say original because I ran across a blog that had the exact, same post as another.

While the product may be all that it says it is, this copycat marketer gave it a bit of a black eye.

I’m going to help you out and become a referral. So, here’s to better traffic and conversions! (Hopefully)


Julie Watson
14 years ago

Hi Sally,

It’s Jules again. I am such a noob. I signed up for Traffic Supremacy and I was through the material. Lo and behold, I see the blog copy that I had spoken about earlier. I thought about it for a minute and had to laugh.

“Quit being such an academic Jules. This is promotional copy!”

Still learning the way of internet marketing.


Eden Grunwald
13 years ago

Your blog has made me think about an subject from another angle. This is completely rare when I change my idea about such questions but it looks that you’ve done it. The day has started with something new! Thank you!

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