A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Tips To Organize & Use All That PLR Content

Tips To Organize & Use All That PLR Content

If you have been working on the Internet  you may have downloaded some PLR content, also known as private label rights content.

This can be a very effective tool to help you get  some ideas for good content for your  sites without having to write all the content yourself or having to pay a ghostwriter to create content for you.

But do you know how to  tweak, re-write, and publish your PLR in 7 minutes or less?

Make money on the webUsing this super simple step-by-step checklist, you’ll be re-writing titles, adding value to your blog posts, and publishing your PLR content faster than ever before.

You’ll also learn some incredibly easy formatting tweaks you can make to juice up your content to ensure people not only read the words, but take the precise action you want them to take.

Click Here to Download and Read this Free Checklist

If you have downloaded  a lot of private label rights articles, you may find after some time that they take up a lot of room on your hard drive. You may have a hard time remembering which content you have used already and which content you have not used yet.

This is quite a common problem since it is very easy to get disorganized with PLR.

Here is a method that can help you keep your PLR content organized so you know what has been used already and what is still waiting to be used.

First, organize all the content by either the niche or the website.

If you have several websites, you should organize by website. Put all the articles you want to use on that site into a folder that is dedicated to that site.

Inside the folder for that website, make two separate folders. Label one as “Rewritten and ready for use” and label the other one “Already used.”

When you have two separate folders, simply place the articles into the “Rewritten” folder after you have rewritten them and made them ready to be used. After you have used them in a blog or placed them on your site, cut and paste the articles to your “Used” folder.

Now, you will never be disorganised again! Do you have any  tips for organising your PLR?





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12 years ago

Great idea! I do something like that for a time, although it is more on the organizing of the media I use in my websites. I find it a very convenient.

12 years ago

Thanks so much for the tips. It sure can help me organized and let go of some of the unnecessary plr contents. 🙂

12 years ago

Build your own blog and check into auto-download sites like e-junkie. They will handle the delivery of the products for a very reasonable monthly subscription. If you are marketing your site through social networking, forums, SEO and your own email list, it doesn’t take much to make back that subscription fee.

12 years ago

This is great! I recently bought some PLR articles and I’ve been meaning to re-write them for my websites. Great giveaway, thanks for that 🙂

Sarah Reece
12 years ago

Hey Sandy,

I just downloaded Ronnie’s report, it’s pretty useful, has great tips for re-writing PLR content. What I find interesting is that he also shares good stuff on optimizing the content for user readibility and SEO.

Your tips for organizing the content for publishing are also good. Thanks for sharing all this stuff with us.

Pete Goumas
12 years ago

Hi Sandy,
I didnot know that how we could do tweak, re-write, and publish our PLR in just 7 minutes. Thanks for sharing free checklist link, it will really safe my time.

Leonard Evenson
12 years ago

Hello Sandy,
I find PLR articles very useful because you can rewrite the texts and make them your own. When I need to write blog posts every day, from time to time it gets difficult, you know, everyone has writer’s blocks. Also, sometimes, I have a lot of work, all of them creative jobs, and I simply can’t think of an original idea for a text. Then I use the PLR texts for inspiration mainly, and when the inspiration comes it is easy to write a unique article. We just need a push once in a while. It’s great that you promote this option. We should all help each other, and we will get help in return when we need it.
Best regards,

Box game
12 years ago

Hi sandy, thank so much for your article , I did not know that you could find this kind of article on the internet. this is very good for me because I am French, and write English is not easy. But I definitely want to share my culinary knowledge in creole cuisine, I have no choice I like that.



12 years ago

Have you got any recommendations on where to get good PLR content from to start with? Do you use just one source or several?

12 years ago

The checklist is awesome 🙂 The questions like “What do I like? What is your story? What is unique about you?” etc can truly turn a very boring PLR content into something with YOUR own unique voice, and help you produce even converting content directly for your money blogs. Thanks Sandy. Useful stuff. I have a lot of PLR junk on my hard disk, maybe it’s about time I started making use of it.

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