A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Turn $100 Into $2000 In 60 Days Challenge – Week 4 Results

Turn $100 Into $2000 In 60 Days Challenge – Week 4 Results

I can hardly believe that another week has flashed past. This time last week I was in sunny Spain getting ready to return home after a wonderful 4 week break although my husband tells me I spent too much time on the laptop.

The truth is that I enjoy the making money online business. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t. If I had the time I could spend hours at it!

It was quite a shock to the body to come back to the cold here after getting used to 20C+ sunny days in Spain.

Although I was unable to put in my minimum of 60 minutes a day trying to drive free traffic to my blog for two days last week I have been making up for it this week.

The result is that my traffic has stayed consistant so that is something.

Traffic Results

Instead of simply looking at this week’s analytics I decided to compare the past 4 weeks while I’ve been on this Challenge with the previous 4 weeks.

This past month has seen my traffic increase by 100 visits. So, consistently posting in Forums and Blog Hopping does work for driving free traffic even though it certainly takes some dedication.

Our mentor keeps drumming into us that consistency is the secret to success.

And Anthony Robbins says.

It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.

My Google Analytics shows that traffic is coming from The Warrior Forum and Website Babble Forum where I mainly post answers to questions as well as some blogs that I have commented on.

I still post in the Digital Point Forum although I am still trying to get my 3 “likes” before my signature shows up.

The problem is that until you get 3 “likes” you cannot “like” anyone elses post. So, if I answer a question posted by someone who has not got 3 “likes” he/she cannot “like” my answer.

I try to add something of value to threads where people who have the 3 likes “have” posted but they are hard to come by.

I sometimes wonder if it’s worth persevering with. Still, now I’ve started I feel I must continue. You never know, I might get lucky.


I have changed the banner for the Quick Start Challenge in the sidebar back to the one I had on there originally as I was not getting as many clicks on it. I think the current one stands out better.


I’ve added 3 new subscribers to my list this week from my blog. Not a massive amount but it is building slowly.

As I have not spent much of the £100 yet I have invested in a solo ad for next week so I’ll report on the results of that in the next update.

I am wondering  if I should use the Popup Domination again.  I might give it a try to see what happens. What do you think? Do you hate them?

30 Ways to Get FREE Website Traffic in 30 Minutes or Less

I came across this great little ebook recently about 30 ways to get free traffic so I am giving it to you as a little thank you for reading this post to the end.

Click here to download it.





Which free traffic generation methods do you like best and what works for you?


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Glenn Shepherd
11 years ago

Hey Sandy,

Hmm, the old pop-ups quandary! Personally I despise pop-ups and it has to be something really compelling that causes me to pay attention.

On the other hand, they evidently work because so many marketers have great success with them. So I suppose the sweet spot is how to use them in the least annoying way, yet in a way that makes the CTA stand out sufficiently.

On my blog I’m going to test something to see if I can increase my CTA response (without the use of pop-ups!). I shall report back with my findings! 🙂

11 years ago

Hi Sandy, congratulations on your traffic from your Website Babble signature. You do a good job of posting helpful stuff there and I think a lot of would-be forum marketers could learn a lot from the way you post. I don’t get a lot of traffic from my WB signature, but then again I’m not there for that purpose so it doesn’t bother me.

11 years ago

Looks an interesting challenge Sandy!
All that action is good though – onwards and upwards!

Amy Hagerup
11 years ago

Hi Sandy, Great to “meet” you here. I loved the details of your blog hopping and commenting on forums. Thanks for all the details. I look forward to learning more from you. I also try to comment on blogs and have made some great friends that way. I just wish I had more time for it. Blessings, Amy

Kent Brown
11 years ago

Hey Sandy.. how have you been? The age old question…. to pop or not to pop. I think us marketers are a lil sensitive and maybe be against pop ups because we know what they are about. …. but other visitors (which is who pop ups work on) dont see it like that …. so it does work. I find it works better when it has a lil bit more time on the page before it pops. I hope that makes sense. So play with the time its held until its pop time.

I hope this might help!
Have a great day!


Sharon Martin
11 years ago

Hi Sandy

Great stuff in yor post…… nice to see you have maintained your traffic whilst you have been enjoying the sun, hope you had a lovely time.

The pop up issue is always just that an “issue” I think when it comes to people like us who have been around for a while they can be quite annoying but then also par for the course, but if you are getting newcomers to your site who have not experienced too many then they would appreciate what you may have to offer in the way of imparting some knowledge to them for “little cost” so personally I think if you have the facility to use it do it………….. I have so many but I seem to have such an issue with my internet that I cannot get half of my software to work, thank god I am moving house soon, may get some action and not feeling like a hamster in a wheel on steroids with no outlet!

Steven Stuart
11 years ago

Hi Sandy,

Congratulations, it sounds like it’s working for you, even if not as fast as you might hope.

Forums are something I need to get involved with. I’ve been blog hopping for awhile and that is really paying off.

I just recently started using Facebook and Twitter and they’re starting to show results.

Nobody really likes pop ups, but they seem to get results.

Thanks, Sandy. – Steve

Matt Kendo
11 years ago

“I still post in the Digital Point Forum although I am still trying to get my 3 “likes” before my signature shows up.

The problem is that until you get 3 “likes” you cannot “like” anyone elses post. So, if I answer a question posted by someone who has not got 3 “likes” he/she cannot “like” my answer.”

…And that’s why Warrior Forum is the #1 internet marketing forum since 1997

Farrell Conejos
11 years ago

Hey Sandy,

In my own perspective, I really don’t like the pop ups. I think its just a distraction. By the way, welcome home after a long stay in Spain. I also want to thank you for sharing the free ebook download. It will me a lot though as move along. Well, may you continue to have good health so that you may continue to post more interesting and informative post. Lastly, good luck with the 3 likes in Digital Point Forum.

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