A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Article Rewrites & Other Friday Night Ramblings

Article Rewrites & Other Friday Night Ramblings

This is going to be brief because I haven’t got a lot of time as I am away this weekend. I’m really looking forward to seeing two of my grandchildren whom I haven’t seen for months.

This week has been super busy trying to get myself organised before I go on holiday to Sapin at the end of next week for 3 weeks.  Can’t wait to get some warmer weather!

I have been working on getting some blog posts lined up for both my blogs for publishing when I am away.

Next week I will be getting some messages lined up in my autoresponder to keep in touch with my list. 3 weeks is too long to be out of touch I think.

Although we will have an internet connection it’s not very fast and I don’t want to spend all my holiday glued to a computer. I wouldn’t mind too much but my husband would!

Making videos

One thing I hope to do while I am away is to make a few videos. It is something that I have not done yet and it was on my list of New Year Resolutions.

My husband has an old camcorder that I thought might do the trick but he couldn’t upload the video to his laptop.

I had heard a lot of people say that a Flip Ultra HD Camcorder was a good one but I just read that it was being discontinued although there are still some to be had online.

I asked in a couple of forums what others were using and many said that they were finding that an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy smart phone were good.

As it happened my husband was thinking of changing his phone for a smart phone and one of his colleagues at work had just got a Samsung Galaxy.

Make money onlineYesterday he came home with one!

So, I will be experimenting with making a few videos while I am away. I want to eventually have an introduction video in my sidebar on this blog. It will be good practice.

Article rewrites

What I really wanted to tell you was that I have just found a good site for getting articles rewritten. I am not sure who recommended it now but I heard that www.TheContentAuthority.com was a good place to get content written.

When I took a look I discovered that I could get a PLR article rewritten for just 0.008 USD per word which is very good if it is well rewrtten.

I am using some PLR articles for backlinking in the ezArticleLink system and I haven’t had much luck with getting good rewrites in the past but I thought I would test them out.

I submitted 2 articles as a test.  I had to state the minimum word count, keyword density and the keyword but there wasn’t anywhere to write any instructions or notes. I wanted to say that I would not accept any article that didn’t read perfectly.

I thought I might have to wait a few days for them but by the next morning I had a message to say they were ready. I didn’t know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised that they were very well written. I couldn’t have done better myself.

I might give their regular article writing service a try alhough I am very ahppy with the articles I have had written at iWriter.com.

At TheContentAuthority you can request different standards of articles depending on what you are going to use them for. For example a well researched article for a website would cost you $10 for 500 words but a basic 400 word article for backlinking purposed would cost you $4.00.

So, if you have a lot of PLR articles taking up space on your computer why not get them rewritten and use them for backlinking?

Do you have a favorite site where you get articles rewritten or written?


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Mark Thompson
13 years ago

Hi sandy,

Your post raised a lot of points, first enjoy your holiday I’ve lived in Marbella in spain for 7 years now and spain is superb. (it’s also an internet marketing hot spot ..loads of full time IM’ers live here)

Articles: I have of 100 blogs so I get through a lot of content , having tried every source of content I believe that the best source is individual writers who specialise in writing quality content, you do pay a bit more but it’s always right first time and the quality is excellent.

I now use an Iphone to do my videos and it works great , I found that I needed an external lavallier microphone though as the sound quality is poor from anything further than a few feet. The alternative is to get a voice recorder (used to be called dictaphones when i was a lad) and use one of them then synch the sound before releasing the video.

13 years ago

I am a content customer of TheContentAuthority for quite a few months now. The quality of the rewrites I get are great and consistent.

13 years ago

Article rewriting is a great idea. But it’s also important to make sure that the article doesn’t look like a slightly modified copy of the original article to search engines. I think search engines are getting quite smarter. If CA also offers something or shows by how much percentage was a particular article was renewed, it would be great.

I have used several article spinning sites. When I rewrite an article and submit it for posting to other sites (via that article spinning service), it actually shows me the originality of the article in percentage. For example, for a title rewritten, it shows that it was original by 600% or 800% or 1200%.

Thanks for the share, Sandy.

Neal Stewart
12 years ago

I’ve never rewritten an article or paid someone else to rewrite and article for me. I haven’t paid for any blog service yet, although I have been toying with the idea of article services and seo services. Thanks for the info.

Gareth Morgan
12 years ago

Can’t even remember who I tried now but I once paid around $12 a piece for 2 articles from the same site. One was dreadful (grammatical, spelling errors), the other was pretty solid. Didn’t use them again though because I felt that I was losing my own style of writing. May give somebody else a try one day.

Ashleen Moreen
Ashleen Moreen
12 years ago

It seems that you are very much busy. Well, anyway some writers nowadays are used to rewrite their articles because they have no time to write again which is not good.

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