A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online
I know that a lot of internet marketers have already got their goals for 2012 all mapped out already. December seems to have crept up on me this year and I have to confess that I have only just got to thinking about setting goals for making money online in 2012. What about you? Have […]
...Reading about Jane Fonda’s new workout DVD made me think about how you can recycle your old blog posts. Just as Jane has given a new twist to her original best selling exercise videos you can give a new twist to your old blog posts. By the way this post came about from one of […]
...I installed the Free WordPress Pretty Link Plugin on Marc’s Milburn’s advice while ago when I revamped my blog but have to confess I had forgotten all about it until I saw it mentioned recently. ( Yes, I know, it’s those silver surfer grey cells! ). Pretty Link is a URL shortener and tracker but […]
...I was testing out my squeeze page funnel to make sure it all worked OK before I book a solo ad and I noticed that one of the affiliate banners I have on my download page for my Free Traffic Deluge report did not open in a new window. Have you ever lost the page […]
...From what I read on internet marketing and making money online forums bloggers often have a hard time coming up with ideas for blog posts. Ever since my last blog post I have been thinking about what I should write for my next blog post. I was hoping to maybe get some inspiration from something […]
...One if the things I read recently about SEO and getting traffic to my blog was that I should submit my blog to Technorati. They call it “claiming” your blog which you have to do with a claim code that looks like this 3JFEU6AJR6JY. Something I had completely overlooked until now. Technorati, if you don’t […]
...I just watched a short video about having an avatar to get peoples attention so I thought I would write this quick post about it. If you want to be successful at internet marketing it’s essential to have an avatar to get peoples’ attention. Although the word avatar has other meanings, on the internet an […]
...It has taken an age but I have at long last launched the UK Internet Marketing Guru Secrets DVDs. The DVDs are from a UK Internet Marketing Workshop where some of the UK’s top internet marketing gurus revealed their secrets of making money on the internet. I am ashamed to say that I started this […]
...I have had a lucky escape with the BlogPressSEO WordPress Plugin. I have just found out it was malware! I had it installed on 3 blogs too. I installed this plugin about a year ago. I can’t remember exactly how I came by it but I must have been convinced that it was going to […]
...A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online
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I Am On Page 1 Of Google For My Keyword “How To Make Money On The Internet”
I am shouting from the rooftops because I am on the 1st page of Google for my keyword “how to make money on the internet”. Whoohoo! It’s a very competitive keyword phrase too.