A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

How To Get Free Traffic To Your Blog With CommentLuv Premium

How To Get Free Traffic To Your Blog With CommentLuv Premium

I realized when I mentioned the CommentLuv Plugin in my last post that I had not written a post about it even though I had meant to.  So, as I am often being asked by subscribers how to get free traffic here’s my long overdue post about how to get free traffic to your blog with CommentLuv Premium.

There are two versions of this WordPress Plugin. CommentLuv Lite which is the free version and CommentLuv Premium the paid for version which has a whole host of added features.

I started out using the free version as soon as I heard about it. I liked it so much that it was a no brainer to upgrade to the premium version with all the added features as soon as it was launched last November.

It is the brainchild of Andy Bailey, a guy from the UK, who had the brilliant idea of combining 8 plugins into one.

What does the CommentLuv plugin do?

The free version allows you to reward your readers by automatically placing a link to their last blog post at the end of their comment if they have the plugin installed on their site as well.

Normally, when you leave a comment on a blog you get the chance to leave your name and website URL but the link is nofollow. Nofollow links were introduced on blogging platforms quite a few years ago to try to discourage spam comments.

Then, one day some bloggers decided that they could encourage more people to comment and get more traffic to their blogs if they made them dofollow. This was quick and easy to do by intalling the Dofollow free WordPress plugin.

A lot of bloggers were using the two plugins CommentLuv and DoFollow and some bloggers started lists of bloggers who had changed their blog to dofollow and used the CommentLuv plugin.

This made it easy to find blogs in your niche where you could:

  • Make a valuable comment
  • Get a dofollow backlink to your site
  • Leave a link to your last blog post

This proved a great way to get free traffic to your blog. If your comment provided good value and your last blog post sounded interesting enough other readers were likely to click on the link and visit your blog. Once they read the post they would leave a comment.

My  tip on how to get your comment read is to be one of the first few to comment on the post.  Here’s how:

When you find a blog in your niche where the blogger posts regularly and gets a lot of traffic subscribe to the blog so you will get notified when the next post is published. Then go there immediately and leave your great comment.

Then, Andy developed the CommentLuv Premium which, as well as a host of other fantastic features, allows you to choose from 10 of your recent posts in a drop down menu when you leave a comment.

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It also integrates with twitter, facebook and google plus and helps to make your posts go viral.

Are you beginning to see how this helps to get free traffic to your blog?

If you have been using KeywordLuv then you won’t need it if you install CommetLuv Premium because it allows your visitor to leave their keywords after their name. You can choose how many they can include too so they don’t spam you with keywords.

The plugin includes GASP (Growmap Anti Spam Plugin) which is extremely effective at combatting spambots, trackback spam and human spam. Yes, you can discourage human spam by setting rules for your commenter or his comment will get spammed. Good huh?

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Rather than me going on about what it does why don’t you watch this video where Andy Bailey explains it in much more detail:

CommentLuv Plugin Video Demo

Once you have CommentLuv installed you can go to this great resource that Ana Hoffman from Traffic Generation Cafe has just published. Here you can find a list of quality CommentLuv enabled blogs where you can comment, get one way links and build relationships.

With CommentLuv installed I really feel as though I belong to a family. I “luv” it when I find a blog with it installed. I know that if I leave a really good comment and the blog post I choose to display at the end of my comment is of interest to the blog owner or other visitors I will get free traffic from it.

So now can you see  how to get free traffic to your blog with the brilliant CommentLuv Premium WordPress  Plugin?

If you are already using it why don’t you share your traffic results with my readers?



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12 years ago

you right. dofollow comment box can helpfull to increase your visitor. maybe you can tray submit your dofollow blog at followlist(dot)com. this is submission directory for dofollow blog/site to promote your site. but becarefull always control your spam comment. another tips to incrase your traffic, you can use forum, if you writing quality article in forum its posible to make lots traffic to your site. and remamber if you join forum, dont forget to setting your signature. i usually placed my link url and keyword or site title in signature forum. (sorry if my english grammar si bad, because im from malaysia) 😀

12 years ago

I recently added the code for the Commentluv widget thingy, but I am
HATING it. (Strong words, yes, but it is just way too frustrating for
me…) However, I was so sold on it’s merits at the beginning that I
did not keep the template copy I downloaded before translating it all
into js-kit. Is there anyway to remove the commentluv code? I’m sure
it’s hiding in there somewhere, but I don’t know where to look.

12 years ago

Basically am using a normal ComLuv plugin. Got some information on this post Sandy. Thank you 🙂

12 years ago

I have used CommentLuv Premium and is satisfied by the results. It can be a big help to everyone, from the blog owner to the people posting their comments.

12 years ago

Comment luv is really one of the best wordpress plugin I have came across with. Even before there exist do follow movement with the name u comment I follow headed by Randa Clay but now this movement seems to reflect same purpose.

12 years ago

Commentluv is a lovely plugin, its not only to get ‘better’ comments but also to have beter backlinks. I love it. Thanks for sharing this lovely article.

12 years ago

Hey Sandy
Great Post
I love CommentLuv.
I haven’t tried Premium yet, but absolutely love the free version so far. I’ve only just started getting into internet marketing and I love being able to read comments and share opinions.
There are some awesome sites out there.

Danyelle Franciosa
Danyelle Franciosa
12 years ago

Commentluv have a vital role to all bloggers and to all blogs. I agree that you get more backlinks through commentluv premium.

Joy Healey
Joy Healey
12 years ago

Hi Sandy, Based on your recommendation I upgraded to Premium CommentLuv, not long ago, but I’m already starting to see the benefits, so thanks for the advice.

I have several of Andy’s plugins and very happy with them all. He offers useful plugins for a good price.


Ana Hoffman
12 years ago

I must say, CL Premium is one of my favorite plugins; great for engagement, link building, and yes, traffic.

Great write up, Sandy, and the mention is much appreciated!

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