A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Checking Out My Squeeze Page Funnel For Success

Checking Out My Squeeze Page Funnel For Success

This morning I thought I would check through my free report and squeeze page funnel just to make sure it is up to date and in working order before I buy a solo ad to really test it out.

I have lost count of the number of times I have been through a squeeze page funnel only to find that some of the ads I clicked on the download page did not go anywhere. Often the links in the free report do not work either. This creates a bad impression.

Solo ads are so expensive that I don’t want to throw the money away. It was lucky I checked my Free Traffic Deluge report as I discovered that one of the links inside was out of date. A product that I recommended was “sold out” when I clicked on the link so I have had to find a replacement.

Why am I going for a solo ad?

You might be wondering why I am going for a solo ad. Well, the answer is that they have been recommended by several internet marketers I know as well as Marc Milburn.

Not only are solo ads a quick way of building a list of subscribers but I can also quickly test the conversion of my new optin page and banner ads on my download page.

Old Squeeze Page Funnel

I want to test out my new squeeze page to see how it performs compared with my previous one.  When I first set up my Free Traffic Deluge squeeze page I had a fairly simple one.  It did not have much in the way of text on it.

When visitors opted in for my Free Traffic Deluge Report they got taken to a confirmation page which told them to watch out for an email from me with the download link for the free report.

When they got that email and clicked on the link they got taken to a download page on which I had banners for more free products and one paid one.

Squeeze page > Confirmation Page > Download Page

New Squeeze Page Funnel

Now I want to try out a more complex squeeze page that I got from James Francis, a very successful internet marketer who really goes out of his way to help people.  For a start it has more text on it. I have bullet points on this one whereas there were none on the previous one.

When a visitor opts in a message box pops up telling him that the free report has just been sent to his email box before sending him to a sales page for a low cost affiliate product.

Single Optin

I have this set up for single optin so they do not have to confirm the optin on an email. I have already written a post about this here:
Flirting with Danger With Single Optins.

Testing & Tweaking

If they buy the product the sale helps to cover the cost of the solo ad. If they don’t the sales page diverts to an optin for a free audio from the same marketer who follows up trying to get a sale which would still benefit me as the affiliate.

When they receive the email message and click on the link to get my free report they get taken to a download page with 2 free bonuses and a paid membership product.

There is also a link to a video presentation which is for a paid product. There are several chances for sales in this funnel and I have to test it to see if the offers convert. If not then I will change them for others.  Testing and tweaking is an essential part of internet marketing if you want to make money.

Automated Sales Funnel Creator

Setting up a squeeze page funnel seems to be the thing that puts a lot of marketers off starting an internet business. It’s one of those things that is easy enough to do if you know how but can take a bit of time to set up.

But, programmer Jayson Benoit has just come up with an ingenious way of creating all the pages you need for your funnel with 3 clicks.

So, if you are still struggling to get yours online I suggest you take a look at this brilliant solution. Not only can you quickly and easily create your funnel pages but if you don’t have a product you can choose from  dozens of ready made products that you set up with a few clicks of your mouse.

You get everything from upsells to downsells and one time offers. In fact you get everything you need to start building a list and making money online.I so wish this was around when I started out.  Check it out here: Automated Sales Funnel Creator


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Joshua Dalton
13 years ago

What a fantastic post and great learning for me. I’ve bookmarked this page as I know I’ll be back to refer to it.
Thanks so much for sharing.

Sean Cox
13 years ago

Thanks Sandy for sharing you wisdom and experience! I just put up my first squeeze page that I also got from James Francis–we’ll see how it works!

13 years ago

Thats smart of you to buy a solo ad as most ppl get leery about it but I have found them to be one of the best forms of quick traffic and nowadays many solo ad owners will write the solo for you which is better in most cases because they know their audience best 😉

candice michelle
12 years ago

Nice job! all your post are really very popular, so all your visitors will get good info by this post.

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