A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Wishing My Readers A Very Happy Christmas

Wishing My Readers A Very Happy Christmas

I hamaking money on the internetve just battled my way through 2 supermarkets and Marks & Spencer’s food section this morning trying to get what I wanted!  Why do they run out of things that you depend on getting?

I got out early to try to beat the rush but everyone else had the same idea! As usual people are piling their trolleys high with enough food to feed an army twice over.

I thought I was going to have a problem with the hand held self scan system in Waitrose again this morning. As their system crashed last week when I was going around the store with my scanner I was apparently “locked out” this morning and had to be “unlocked”.

I wasn’t the only one though and we all had a bit of a moan while we waited to be unlocked so we could use the scanning system. This is the great system  that is designed to save time! Technology is great when it works but what a headache when it fails.

Luckily I did not have to do a massive shop. We are going to my husband’s elder daughter and son-in-law’s for Christmas Day. We are looking forward to spending some time with his two grandsons.

His younger daughter and son-in-law will be there too with their daughter.  All our grandchildren are a delight. ( we would think that wouldn’t we!)

Then we are spending the day at my cousins on 27th where I’ll be seeing my brother & sister-in-law.  On 29th we’re off to Stoke-on-Trent to see my elder son and two granddaughters.

My younger son and his family are in Australia so we won’t be paying him a visit.  He’ll be sunning himself on Bondi Beach no doubt but  will have a Skype chat on Christmas morning though.

So, no cooking turkey & trimming for me this year. I have made my own Christmas pudding for as long as I can remember and it’s no different this year. It’s tradition now that I supply the Christmas pudding and I have been appointed chief Brussels sprouts chef too.

Ever since I tried out a recipe for Brussels sprouts with ginger, garlic, soy sauce and balsamic vinegar one Christmas I have been put in charge of cooking the sprouts.  Even people who normally hate Brussels sprouts like them like this. ( recipe is in the comments if you want it)

Now all I have to do is marzipan & ice the cake and the wrap up some prezzies then I’m done.

What about you? Are you getting there?

One of my Facebook friends just posted this inspirational quote and I thought I would share it here.


making money online


Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and an amazing 2012.

making money on the internet



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13 years ago

Christmas shopping, maybe worst time in a year to be in a store. But have a wonderful Christmas you too and a happy New Year!

13 years ago

Any chance of you sharing the recipe for brussels sprouts? Sounds like a good one!

Sergio Felix
13 years ago

Hey Sandy,

We’re not having turkey either, we’re having meatballs, pasta and some Spanish plate that includes cod fish.

There are other things that are being cooked right now but I think those are the main dishes.

Anyway, I hope you had a great time for us the day is barely starting right now but I’m excited already and looking forward to the night.

Take care and speak soon Sandy! 😉


13 years ago

Hi Sandy,

Merry Christmas! Sounds like you are celebrating all week, that is great! Our last get-together was this morning. Relatives from South Carolina came up to visit and I finally got to meet my 9 month old cousin. He is the cutest little boy and so happy. Smiles constantly – absolutely adorable.

I usually cook Christmas morning breakfast, then ham dinner at night at my parents – was really good 🙂

I never heard of going through the grocery store with a scanner – sounds like it would simplify things and get you out the door a lot sooner!

Hope you have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2012!


Candice Michelle
13 years ago

So far, that was one of the most inspiring quote I have ever read. I couldn’t agree more with it. That was so true.

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