A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online
I first heard of ezArticleLink through an internet marketer I know. He suggested that I submit some articles to the site to build some backlinks to an article on my detox blog to help me get on page 1 of Google. My traffic had dropped towards the end of last year and I wanted to […]
...Easy Click Mate has proved to be just the solution for managing my Clickbank affiliates that I had been searching for. I wanted my detox eBook affiliates to be able to send their subscribers to my discount offer page but could not figure out the best way to do it. Although I can have a […]
...I recently had an email from Brad Callen telling me about his new project iWriter. Brad is the brains behind the software Keyword Elite, SEO Elite and Affiliate Elite as well as a lot of other products and has a good reputation so I thought I would take a look. iWriter is a site where […]
...I promised a while ago that I would report back on the result of my solo ad. I got my new squeeze funnel all set up so I decided just before Christmas that it was time to really test it out. Generating free traffic to a squeeze page to build your list is all well […]
...I have been using Exit Splash on one of my sales pages for about a year now and I have added it to several others recently so thought it was about time I wrote about it. Exit Splash provides a way of grabbing the traffic that is about to leave your site and is another […]
...I just had an email from Dave Nicholson about a new product 30 Day Traffic Flow from John Thornhill and Dave Whitworth. John is a well known internet marketer from the UK and has a good reputation for excellent products. I had not come across Dave Whitworth before but he apparently increased the traffic to […]
...I just wanted to write a quick post to wish you a very Happy New Year. I hope yours gets off to a better start than mine. I had planned to make a funny video to put on my blog for today. I got the idea from Sergio, a fellow coaching student, who told me […]
...I have seen the Seven Link Challenge mentioned on blogs but I didn’t stay long enough to read what it was all about. Somehow I thought it was similar to the 100 blog challenge which I did last year and I couldn’t face doing that again right now. But after reading more about it on […]
...I have just battled my way through 2 supermarkets and Marks & Spencer’s food section this morning trying to get what I wanted! Why do they run out of things that you depend on getting? I got out early to try to beat the rush but everyone else had the same idea! As usual people […]
...A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online
© 2010-2025 Sandy Halliday, All rights reserved
I’ve Added Thank Me Later Plugin To My Blog
I noticed that when I comment on some blogs I sometimes get an email message a few days later thanking me for it. I thought this was a really nice touch so started to investigate how I could do it too. According to several internet marketers I asked, the best WordPress plugin for this is […]