A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Do you like talking? Even if you don’t how would you like to make money just for talking? Ordinary people are...

What blog color should I choose for my new theme? I have finally decided to...

In this digital world, effective and comprehensive strategies of online marketing can help every business owner to increase its...

Are you getting enough traffic to your blog? I’m...

Some of Alexs Jeffreys students are saying that outsourcing is too expensive when you are just starting out. Well, I just heard about this cool new website where you can hire people for $5.00 to do anything you want. Well, anything within reason...

Well it’s been one hectic week. I’ve been visiting forums, Oil Rig hopping, writing articles for hubpages and this blog, tweeting, creating profiles on social networking and bookmarking sites, thinking about what to say when (nearly said “if ”...

After the numerous Webinars on getting traffic to our sites it became clear that using social media is fast becoming one of the most popular with internet marketers. It’s a great way to build your brand and...

Last week we had a Webinar every night about how to drive traffic to our websites and it became very clear...

Well this week’s mentoring has been about getting free traffic to our blogs. The whole purpose of getting traffic is to get people to sign up to your lists so you can make money working online. There have been...

Yes, that’s what my mentor Alex says to do to get traffic to your blog. Oil rig hopping is his term for blog commenting. This week’s seminars are all about getting free traffic to your blog. With...

As I am visiting (or oil rig hopping as Alex calls it – a subject for a future post) other blogs to see what some of Alex...

I’ve set up a couple of blogs before and all the stuff I’ve read about picking a blog name says to do keyword research first and to include your best keyword or words in the title. Then along comes coach Alex, (I know...