A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online
Would you put out a flyer for your business with no contact details? I could not believe my eyes when I looked at a flyer that came through my letter box today for a local Farm Shop. I searched all over it for a street address or telephone number or website address but there was […]
...What a relief, I have just finished the 100 blog comment challenge. If you want to know what it was all about I wrote about it in a previous post: Generating Traffic with the 100 Blog Challenge. It was no mean feat either I can tell you. I started on 8th August and finished last […]
...I just heard the story about Steve who tried numerous times to start an Internet business. It wasn’t until his eighth attempt at launching a product that he saw a decent response and a healthy number of sales. He was over the moon as he had sold 11 of his products in the first 24 […]
...I have been spending more time on some internet marketing forums recently and couldn’t help but notice how many people have no idea about Forum Marketing Etiquette. If you are going to be successful at making money online by branding and promoting yourself in Forums there are a few BIG do’s and don’t associated with […]
...Now this is one of those ideas that makes you say why didn’t I think of that. Like all good ideas it seems so obvious after someone has come up with it. After all the oil rig hopping that I was doing for generating blog traffic for Alex’s blog traffic competition a couple of months […]
...When you look at the mega successful people in internet marketing they seem to have one thing in common. They stand out in a crowded marketplace. In simple terms they used their personality to make money on the web. Some call it personality marketing or branding. Others call it buzz marketing. The truth is people […]
...I recently listened to a very interesting interview of Steve Shaw owner of SubmitYourArticle.com. At the end of the interview Steve offered a free 30 day trial of his unique article submission service so of course I grabbed it. We all know that submitting your articles to a number of article directories is a great […]
...I am taking a step back and looking at what I have achieved or where I could have done better since I started Alex’s coaching course on making money on the internet. I have just listened to his latest Webinar or perhaps I should say pep talk (to put it politely) because that’s what it […]
...Getting enough free targeted website traffic has been the bain of my internet marketing life. When I first got online I dabbled a bit with Google Adwords and Yahoo search marketing but never really had any success with it. I got put off by the stories of people running up huge credit card bills with […]
...A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online
© 2010-2025 Sandy Halliday, All rights reserved
7 Tips To Writing Blog Posts That Your Readers Will Love
If there is one thing that stood out for me while on my tour of 100 blogs for the 100 blog comment challenge it was the different writing styles of the bloggers. When time was a factor I didn’t want to be faced with a long epistles to read. I wanted to scan the […]