A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online

Traffic Generation

Are you getting enough traffic to your blog? I’m guessing that the answer is probably not. I mean can we ever have enough traffic? One of the questions I consistently see being asked in internet marketing forums is how to get traffic to your blog. Many bloggers get disillusioned with blogging when they find that […]


Content marketing is hot! Content marketing is the new SEO. Content marketing has killed SEO. Content marketing is the buzzword for 2013. These are some of the headlines I saw as I was blog hopping my way round the internet on my blog commenting exercise to drive traffic to my blog for both the Quick […]


I just came across these Pinterest videos which show you some great Pinterest tips. How to add Videos to your Boards  


When I first heard about Pinterest I could not see what all the fuss was about. Pinning pictures! Who’s got time for that? I had enough to do just trying to get traffic to my sites. Then, I started hearing that Pinterest was the latest and greatest way to get traffic to affiliate products. I […]


Have you heard of content curation? Although it’s been around for some time content curation seems to be the latest buzz word in blogging circles. I have only just heard the term and became curious about it as it is a way to get free traffic to your blog or website. To put it simply, […]


I realized when I mentioned the CommentLuv Plugin in my last post that I had not written a post about it even though I had meant to. So, as I am often being asked by subscribers how to get free traffic here’s my long overdue post about how to get free traffic to your blog […]


If you want to get more traffic to your blog you might want to take a look at SEO Super Comments plugin for WordPress. I have just installed it on this blog after seeing it listed on a blog post that Adrienne Smith wrote. I must admit, although I studied quite a few reports for […]


I just had an email from Dave Nicholson about a new product 30 Day Traffic Flow from John Thornhill and Dave Whitworth. John is a well known internet marketer from the UK and has a good reputation for excellent products. I had not come across Dave Whitworth before but he apparently increased the traffic to […]


One if the things I read recently about SEO and getting traffic to my blog was that I should submit my blog to Technorati. They call it “claiming” your blog which you have to do with a claim code that looks like this 3JFEU6AJR6JY. Something I had completely overlooked until now. Technorati, if you don’t […]


I have just spent the last 3 weeks on holiday in Spain, soaking up the fantastic hot sunny weather. It was a bit of a shock arriving back to this cold weather here I can tell you. While I was there I noticed an article in one of the free English newspapers about how to […]
