A Silver Surfer’s Tips for Making Money Online


I’ve been getting some questions about blogging for business from my subscribers . It’s a long time since I posted one of Alison Rothwell’s wonderful articles and as this one answers the questions so eloquently I thought it was time to post another. The Six Biggest Blogging Myths Myths arise from lack of information and […]


Although my Google Adsense income doubled almost as soon I changed the theme of my Detox Blog to the Heat Map WordPress Theme last July I have recently decided to remove most of them. Now, I know that this might sound like the actions of a mad woman but let me explain what triggered it […]


I realized when I mentioned the CommentLuv Plugin in my last post that I had not written a post about it even though I had meant to. So, as I am often being asked by subscribers how to get free traffic here’s my long overdue post about how to get free traffic to your blog […]


If you want to get more traffic to your blog you might want to take a look at SEO Super Comments plugin for WordPress. I have just installed it on this blog after seeing it listed on a blog post that Adrienne Smith wrote. I must admit, although I studied quite a few reports for […]


I have been using Exit Splash on one of my sales pages for about a year now and I have added it to several others recently so thought it was about time I wrote about it. Exit Splash provides a way of grabbing the traffic that is about to leave your site and is another […]


I just wanted to write a quick post to wish you a very Happy New Year. I hope yours gets off to a better start than mine. I had planned to make a funny video to put on my blog for today. I got the idea from Sergio, a fellow coaching student, who told me […]


I have seen the Seven Link Challenge mentioned on blogs but I didn’t stay long enough to read what it was all about. Somehow I thought it was similar to the 100 blog challenge which I did last year and I couldn’t face doing that again right now. But after reading more about it on […]


I have just battled my way through 2 supermarkets and Marks & Spencer’s food section this morning trying to get what I wanted! Why do they run out of things that you depend on getting? I got out early to try to beat the rush but everyone else had the same idea! As usual people […]


I noticed that when I comment on some blogs I sometimes get an email message a few days later thanking me for it. I thought this was a really nice touch so started to investigate how I could do it too. According to several internet marketers I asked, the best WordPress plugin for this is […]
